You’re viewing a MUNTED Treebrush Apothecary product.
What’s “Munted”?
Either a batch hasn’t gone to plan, the product is shipped in recycled or damaged packaging, or for some other reason it wouldn’t be sane to charge full price.
Why’s this one Munted?
These tins of kawakawa balm have suffered from lazy stock rotation, in a nutshell! As Treebrush Apothecary balms are made entirely of natural products, they do have a shelf life of around a year from manufacture. Sometimes things like heat exposure, ingredients supplied being long in the tooth already or manufacturing whoopsies can contribute to the shelf life being a little less.
Either way, these balms are in their second half of their suggested best before period.
Why buy a Munted balm?
If you’re looking at grabbing a cheap balm that you don’t need to respect, this is probably the cheapest way in New Zealand to do it! They still have all the goodness of a full price, fresh Treebrush Apothecary balm, but there’s no need to feel guilty about piling them on liberally or experimenting with new ways of using kawakawa balm. The best use case for these balms is to crank through them quick, which is why they are heavily discounted. And you have a reusable or recyclable tin at the end!
What the heck is Kawakawa Balm?
Kawakawa is a native New Zealand bush whose leaves have famously anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic properties. Treebrush Apothecary balms infuse these leaves into a skin-nourishing carrier oil, then blend with natural butters and waxes, a few choice essential oils, and packaged in convenient, reusable tins/jars. It can soothe and help to heal all manner of angry skin – bug bites, dry or cracked skin, chapped lips, cuts, scrapes, abrasions, eczema & psoriasis, razor burn, overwashed hands, and so much more. The limit is your imagination!
So…which balm?
Each balm’s blend of carrier oil, butter and essential oil is formulated with a texture, fragrance and general use in mind. All Treebrush Apothecary kawakawa balms are intended to help with soothing angry skin, so you can’t go wrong there!
Here’s some of the features you’ll find as you compare these awesome balms:
Balms with a fragrance:
No Regerts, Buzzbox, Wayfarer
Balms with only mānuka as essential oil:
Thuck, Thun, Mellow, Wayfarer
Vegan balms:
Barrier balms:
Balms with a cooling effect:
No Regerts, Thun
Best on eczema:
Thun, Mellow
Balms for after sun care:
No Regerts, Wayfarer
Balms for super dry skin:
Thuck, No Regerts, Wayfarer
Balms for babies:
Thuck, Thun, Mellow
Best for lips:
Buzzbox, No Regerts, Wayfarer
Skin conditioning:
Thuck, Mellow, No Regerts
Fastest absorbing:
Wayfarer, Thuck
Protective balms:
Buzzbox, No Regerts